Microwave Radar has existed for decades, but steady improvements, both in terms of hardware as well as accompanying software, have made it an essential technology for the non-destructive evaluation of masonry. Using microwave radar, also known as ground penetrating radar or GPR, Masonry Solutions International’s team of structural analysis experts can glean both the internal conditions of a construction pre-intervention and assess the success of efforts post-intervention. This eliminates guesswork, saves resources, and reduces the need for fabric destroying and operationally disruptive activities.
Below is an actual before and after look at radar results from a masonry intervention using compatible injected fill, or CIF. The left image is pre-injection with the many markings denoting the location of voids in a scanned section of wall.
The right image is post-injection, showing elimination of those voids and a nearly complete solidification of the masonry units. Any remaining voids are noted as encapsulated, and are eliminated using a secondary targeted injection.

To learn more about the many successes of microwave radar on a variety of projects, please visit our selected Case Studies.